Project Purple

Before Project Living, there was Project Purple. I had just finished university and was ready to go into indie development. I was excited to work on a project that I’d wanted to create for a while. I was young and excited to upload YouTube Devlogs on my progress, but that quickly came to a halt.

The reason is my art skills. Like most of my projects, my art skills were stopping me.

I have this incredibly high standard for a lot of things, and my art would never satisfy that. What little art I did for Project Purple was mediocre at best.

On this page, you’ll find information about what was made. I won’t be discussing ideas that didn’t happen, because these ideas may one day be used.

What was Project Purple?

Project Purple was a Metroidvania-inspired game, similar to the likes of Hollow Knight or the Metroid series. These games usually have large explorable open worlds with a key element in platforming, story and environment. I highly recommend checking out Hollow Knight to get an understanding of what I mean.



The game would take place in a strange underground maze-like cave below an ancient castle. I won’t say any more than that, because I don’t want to spoil ideas I may use in the future.

As you’ll see in the below videos, there was a game mechanic which involved throwing a sword and warping towards it. This was going to be one of the main methods of movement and traversal. There were going to be puzzles that involved hanging on your sword whilst it moved along a conveyor belt and many more. This is an idea I’ve used in several other projects, the idea of warping to a recently thrown object appears in my web novel, The Story of a Hero named Fishy.

Art Style

Similar to Metroid, Project Purple was going to have a pixel art style, although with more detail than the old SNES games. This art style ended up being a challenge and was the reason the project was stopped. I was unable to create art that lived up to the impossible standard in my head, and because of that I got frustrated and stopped working on the project.

Development videos

Below are the 4 videos I created to log my progress.